Temporary work agencies and migrant workers : for a flexible and cheap labor force


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Summarize : We estimate that at least a 50% of labor force in the netherland is provided from temporary work agencies, majority of the workers come from Poland. Apparently it seems that there is very few labor violations, but in … Continue reading


Posting of workers : social Europe and agricultural Europe can no longer ignore each other.

Posting of workers: Social Europe and agricultural Europe can no longer ignore eachother.
The Posting Worker’s Directive is at the heart of discussions at the European Summit of Ministers of Social Affairs on Monday. The current negotiations should result in enhanced control tools to ensure compliance with the law. France will show its commitment to protect employees. A willingness laudable but ineffective without questioning the search for competitiveness at all costs and industrialization of agriculture.


Grands crus piémontais et travailleurs macédoniens – Campagnes Solidaires 287


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 La coopérative de travail : un nouveau maillon de la filière de recrutement des travailleurs migrants agricoles. Exemple dans les vignes du Piémont avec les travailleurs venus de Macédoine. Canelli, Piémont : 780 hectares de vignes conduites par 500 petites et moyennes … Continue reading


Social dumping is present in the German pre-election speeches


The parliamentary elections will be held in Germany on 22 September. A few days before the election, controversy over social dumping in Germany takes consistency. Summary: The bosses of German slaughter companies justify their use of labor at very low … Continue reading
