Being an agricultural worker in an Israeli settlement in the West Bank


This gallery contains 5 photos.

BY OUESSALE EL ASSIMI, December 2013. PICTURES: Guillaume de Crop, October 2013. The Jordan Valley is located in the East of the West Bank, by the Jordanian border, in Area C[1]. 95% of the Jordan Valley is under Israeli military … Continue reading


Grands crus piémontais et travailleurs macédoniens – Campagnes Solidaires 287


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 La coopérative de travail : un nouveau maillon de la filière de recrutement des travailleurs migrants agricoles. Exemple dans les vignes du Piémont avec les travailleurs venus de Macédoine. Canelli, Piémont : 780 hectares de vignes conduites par 500 petites et moyennes … Continue reading


Social dumping is present in the German pre-election speeches


The parliamentary elections will be held in Germany on 22 September. A few days before the election, controversy over social dumping in Germany takes consistency. Summary: The bosses of German slaughter companies justify their use of labor at very low … Continue reading


(Français) La coopérative de travail : un nouveau maillon de la filière de recrutement des travailleurs migrants agricoles- Canelli, Piémont


Canelli, Piemonte: ben 782,51* sono gli ettari vitati (più del 50% dell’intera superficie agricola utilizzata) di cui ettari 719,1* con vigneti a DOC e DOCG, 524* le aziende agricole piccole e medie che li conducono. Le denominazioni della regione sono … Continue reading


Collective and social agriculture against industrial agriculture in Southern Germany


This gallery contains 4 photos.

After nearly 3 months in Germany to work on migrant agricultural seasonal and the state of the peasant farming, I saw through the windows of my car monocultures of any kind, intensive breeding supply mega-installations, and funny big white bubble … Continue reading
