On January 17, Andrea Riccardi, Minister for Cooperation, Immigration and Integration in government Monti was visiting Rosarno (Calabria) to realize the situation. Each year, between the months of November and March, the municipality of 15,000 inhabitants “host” hundreds of seasonal … Continue reading
The work of Moroccan unions and the need to gather movements
The search for profit inherent to economic functioning of our societies pushes companies to settle and produce at lower cost. The unions maximizing profits to the detriment of workers and their rights, only productivity account. In this context of competition … Continue reading
Report 2012 by the International Federation for Human Rights : imported workers for exported strawberries
Summary: In Huelva, Andalusia, intensive strawberry cultivation, for export at an early stage to European markets calls for a few months of the year to abundant temporary workers (over 50 000), mainly of migrant workers. In order to both meet … Continue reading
(Français) “Des fruits au goût précaire” Andréa Réa -migrations magazines 18 octobre 2011
C’est un secteur relativement méconnu. Il est pourtant l’un de ceux qui attirent le plus de travailleurs étrangers en Belgique et ailleurs en Europe : celui de l’horticulture. Pommes et poires à Saint-Trond, fraises à Wépion… Chaque année, des milliers … Continue reading
Oranges on the threes : history of an agricultural and social crisis.
Summary: Oranges in Rosarno are for industry, the industrial model promoted in the area is viable only thanks to subsidies. Changes in allocation policy and lower purchase prices have made it more profitable to stop pickking oranges and to leave … Continue reading
The Assembly of African Workers of Castel Volturno, following the journey in Campania.
Appiah and Filipo are two friends engaged in a struggle different of the ones of unions, associations of lawyers. Both live in Castel Volturno, only one was born there. Appiah is Ghanaian, Filipo is Italian. Both believe that only the … Continue reading
Polish in the Netherlands: seasonal workers under surveillance.
Summary: The Netherlands has a great need for labor, especially in agriculture, though this need is accompanied by a xenophobic, partly directed against the 100 000 Polish temporary workers living there. Seasonal are hired by agencies in Poland, their wages … Continue reading
Mission syndicale en Calabre : état des lieux

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Communiqué de presse du 17 mars 2011 La Confédération paysanne a conduit une mission en partenariat avec plusieurs organisations européennes du 11 au 17 mars 2011 dans le Sud de l’Italie, en Calabre. Un an après la révolte des travailleurs … Continue reading
After the dismantling of the communist-era industry, ex-workers become market gardeners
Summary: testimony of a group of market gardeners. In the days of Ceausescu industry had developed and there was work for everyone. But, eventually, factories were sold to foreign and dismantled. Some have turned to market gardening to maintain income … Continue reading
Kit Agricultural Migrant Workers’ Rights: Romanian & Polish
The invisible workforce

This gallery contains 10 photos.
SOUTH ITALY – THE INVISIBLE WORKFORCE In the agricultural zones of southern Italy, undocumented migrants move from one region to another, following the harvests in search of work. In August and September, the fields are dotted with tomato pickers. Segregated … Continue reading
Exploited but resigned : meeting moldavess small farmers and seasonal workerss.
Summary: Sylvie during her mission went to meet farmers and farm workers of Romanian Moldavia to raise awareness of the Via Campesina and the Confederation Paysanne. People who migrate to be seasonal workers in Western Europe are often aware of … Continue reading
Article written by Spitou Mendy, spokesperson of SOC Almeria.
Summary: a text written by Spitou Mendy, spokesman of the Union of Agricultural Workers (SOC) Almeria section. In the region of Almeria small businesses, family farms and farm workers suffer the rules of agribusiness wich is destroying the peasantry and … Continue reading
The uncertain future of the Polish countryside
We walk through the cold and deserted streets of Hołowianki, in silence, in the crystal clear air of this hamlet of 300 inhabitants, belonging to the municipality of Sabnie, a hundred kilometers east of Warsaw. Everything is still here, during … Continue reading
Socle commun d’ECVC « Travailleurs saisonniers, migrations et agriculture »
Socle commun de la Coordination européenne Via Campesina (ECVC) Nous considérons que l’emploi agricole et rural en Europe et dans le monde doit être une priorité des politiques agricoles. La politique européenne agricole actuelle, liée aux intérêts de l’OMC et … Continue reading