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No ai pomodori degli schiavi«Quei prodotti non sono etici» – Sociale – l’Unità – notizie online lavoro, recensioni, cinema, musica.
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No ai pomodori degli schiavi«Quei prodotti non sono etici» – Sociale – l’Unità – notizie online lavoro, recensioni, cinema, musica.
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BY OUESSALE EL ASSIMI, December 2013. PICTURES: Guillaume de Crop, October 2013. The Jordan Valley is located in the East of the West Bank, by the Jordanian border, in Area C[1]. 95% of the Jordan Valley is under Israeli military … Continue reading
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La coopérative de travail : un nouveau maillon de la filière de recrutement des travailleurs migrants agricoles. Exemple dans les vignes du Piémont avec les travailleurs venus de Macédoine. Canelli, Piémont : 780 hectares de vignes conduites par 500 petites et moyennes … Continue reading
Scandal of the ‘tomato slaves’ harvesting crop exported to UK – News – The Ecologist.
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Link to a radio broadcast in french | Liberté sur paroles – Emission d’Eugénie Barbezat sur Aligre FM.
The parliamentary elections will be held in Germany on 22 September. A few days before the election, controversy over social dumping in Germany takes consistency. Summary: The bosses of German slaughter companies justify their use of labor at very low … Continue reading
Canelli, Piemonte: ben 782,51* sono gli ettari vitati (più del 50% dell’intera superficie agricola utilizzata) di cui ettari 719,1* con vigneti a DOC e DOCG, 524* le aziende agricole piccole e medie che li conducono. Le denominazioni della regione sono … Continue reading
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After nearly 3 months in Germany to work on migrant agricultural seasonal and the state of the peasant farming, I saw through the windows of my car monocultures of any kind, intensive breeding supply mega-installations, and funny big white bubble … Continue reading
A report on the demonstration outside the Vion slaughterhouse in Lower Saxony against the exploitation of migrant workers in the meat industry.
The Italian social movement of the 20th century is characterized by duality. While northern Italy, urban and industrialized, was shaken by the challenge of labor organizations, southern, rural Italy, lived to the rhythm of the mobilizations of agricultural workers. Since … Continue reading
On February 24, the English magazine “The ecologist” published a survey of the citrus production conditions in the plain of Gioia Tauro (Calabria), denouncing the exploitation and ghettoization of African seasonal workers [1]. Journalists which directly implicated the responsibility of … Continue reading
Summary: a visit of orchards and market gardens of Murcia in Spain. The intense speculation and aesthetic standards imposed by the global market make the citrus sale price too low to guarantee a decent income to producers or agricultural workers. … Continue reading
Summary: Rosarno looks like a disaster site, modeled by the violence of neoliberalism. Numerous seasonal workers go daily on the “piazza” hopping an hiring for the day. Outside these times the city seems dead, there are no public places where … Continue reading